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Welcome Message


A New Industrial Liaison Platform That Overcomes Barriers

Greetings from Keon Jae Lee, the director of the Institute of Technology Value Creation at KAIST.

The institute’s ILP program was launched in September 2021 as the world’s first advisory program in which KAIST’s distinguished professors offer the mid to long term advisory services in interdisciplinary fields of technology.

In order to maximize the technological competitiveness needed by the industry, we at KAIST ILP plan to provide premium services by forming an advisory faculty.

The ILP faculty advisory group is comprised of distinguished professors in the four major fields of Materials·Electronics, AI·Robotics, Mol.Biol.·Pharma, and Environmental·Energy, who have founded the startups or worked as CTOs, worked at overseas multinational high-tech companies, and have world-class research capabilities and industry-academia cooperation experiences. We are leading the development and commercialization of rapidly changing technologies.

KAIST ILP has provided effective collaboration and consultations based on mutual understanding and close relationship between advisory professors and businesses

KAIST ILP strives to constantly communicate with innovative companies at home and abroad and provides high-quality services such as technical advice and education, development of industry-academia and national projects, joint research, and business simulation.

Keon Jae Lee

Director of KAIST Technology Value Creation Center (ITVC)Founders and General Manager of KAIST ILP
ILP Executive Director
  • Keon Jae Lee

    Director of Industrial Liaison Center

    2022.08 ~ 2023.03
  • Sungryul Choi

    Director of ITVC

    2023.04 – 2024.02
  • Keon Jae Lee

    Director of ITVC

    2024.03 – Present