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CES 2024 KAIST Pavilion

Event Overview

  • Date: Jan 9 (Tue) ~ Jan 12 (Fri)
  • Place : #62633, Hall G, Level 1F, Venetian Expo, LAS VEGAS
  • KAIST Exhibition Hall Theme : KAIST, the Global Value Creator
  • Exhibits experiential exhibition booths and posters for each of the two themes (Booth 16, Poster 8)
    • - Theme 1 : Extending Horizon of Human Intelligence, Mobility, and Reality
    • - Theme 2 : Ensuring Human Security and Sustainable Development

Location map

  • List of participating companies
CES 2024 참가 기업 일람 표
No. Company name Category Technology Introduction Materials
1 Microfix Theme 1 Mobility Naturalistic 3D Image Sensor Download
2 Panmnesia AI CXL controller, Ai acceleration hardware Download
3 Deep Auto AI AI Automation of the entire process of Ai Model Introduction and operation Download
4 MGL VR Generative AI-based Virtual Reality Platform Download
5 Reports AI Generative AI leisure information utilization application Download
6 Nania Labs AI Generative AI product Design Solution Download
7 L factory AI Digital Orginal Biometric Authentication Solution Download
8 Korea Positioning Technology Mobility Indoor/Outdoor Integrated Precision GPS Tracking Download
9 AUDAI(P) VR AI-Generated Vocal Synthesis for Music Download
10 PLANBY TECHNOLOLGIES(P) VR Virtual Reality Creation for Interior Design Download
11 MOVIN(P) VR 3D Object Motion Capture Content Production Download
12 STUDIO LAB AI Generative AI Web-based UX production technology Download
13 ALDAVER Theme 2 HS Biomimetic Materials and manufacturing technology Download
14 ADNC HS Medical/Beauty Wearable OLED Patch Download
15 SORV SD Atmospheric carbon dioxide adsorption, removal device Download
16 Iris HS Kitchen sterilization/radioisotope monitoring Download
17 BlueDevice SD Eco-friendly flexible Glass Surface Treatment Download
18 Barreleye HS AI-based universial ultrasound diagnosis System Download
19 TR HS Respiratory disease Diagnosis Algorithm/ Device Download
20 A2US SD Environmental Improvement Aerosol Spraying System Download
21 GREENERDS(P) SD CO2 Capture thru Electrochemical Cell
22 IRON BOYS(P) SD Hydrogen Fuel Cell Carbon/Metal Composite Caltalyst Download
23 Shard Partners(P) HS AI Personal Human Communications
24 Kingbot(P) Mobility Magnetized Foot for Robotic Pedestrian Locomotion

※ P: Poster Display, HS: Human Security, SD: Sustainable Development